Honeoye Falls Village Board 2023-03-20

      The evening of 2023-03-20 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      The meeting started off with a presentation for an eagle scout project. Long story short: The scout wants to put in another grill and tables at Rotary Park. While there were some details to iron out, overall the idea went over well with the Board. It sounds like if you have no place else to be for the Fourth of July, there should be a new grill in place by then.

      The Village reaffirmed they are buying Critic’s. I heard 4/12 for a closing date, and ~$400k for a cost. I believe the plan is for the Fire Department to expand into the property, but I have not seen any details. Perhaps something will come up at the special meeting hosted next week by the Town, which will be at the Mendon Fire Station 101 Mendon-Ionia Road on 3/29 at 7PM.

      As it’s that time of year, the Village is finalizing their budget, and there will be an increase in the tax rate. As Rick (Mayor) points out, the driving factors are insurance, utilities/fuel, and wages. This came up at multiple points in tonight’s meeting, as some of the wage increases were approved for the next pay period.

      Illustrating the staffing situation, on Thursday the Village Department of Public Works will be down to 2 staff, of a desired 4. While plans are being implemented to resolve this issue, being at half staff is not an ideal situation.

      Personally, I think we are seeing more fallout of the federal government being irresponsible with their debt and breaking the economy through inflation. But as that problem wasn’t caused overnight, it won’t be fixed that way either. Knowing the cause of the problem doesn’t help this Board, as their options are limited. As ever, it falls to we the people to fix problems. The question is, will enough of us step up to the challenge?

      On a pleasanter note, Good Vibes concerts should start up on June 13 and run to August 22. Every Tuesday evening at 6:30PM in Harry Allen Park, weather permitting. Sounds like performers are all scheduled, and a number of local businesses are helping out in various ways.

      The Deer Management Committee was dissolved, and a Deer Oversight Committee (or something similarly named) is being formed. Reason is the first committees job has been done, they reached the point where the deer herd in the Village is being culled. That will stop for the season on 3/31, so not that far off. But it should start back up again next year. I think I heard 1/1, but plenty of time to get that confirmed if you are interested. While I don’t know the details, this appears to be outside the regular hunting season and hunters have to go through the Village to meet whatever requirements there are.

      And Stan Worboys was given heartfelt thanks for his years of service on the Board. There will likely be a longer celebration at the Annual Meeting on 4/3. He will be off the Board shortly, as he is not running for reelection at tomorrow’s vote. Although, I may write him in anyways.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 20, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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