Honeoye Falls Village Board 2023-02-21

      The evening of 2023-02-21 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Biggest point of discussion was Accessory (or Auxiliary? Is unclear) Dwelling Units. Bottom line, the Village’s stance is ‘we allow them, but want to make sure they aren’t abused’. Which is the conservative stance on most things. A public event on this topic will likely occur before too long. I did find it amusing how, despite being the cause of the discussion, the Governor’s attempted power grab was only mentioned in passing. As she has apparently retracted her plan, understandable.

      As summer is approaching, events are being scheduled. Good Vibes concert series is being planned, some sort of Festival in Harry Allen Park, and the Environmental Fair 4/29. Also the Annual Meeting on 4/3, for those interested in that sort of party.

      The Village is looking to change office hours come summer. Sounds like it will be a new normal and not just a summer thing. Regardless, change looks to be closing at 12:30PM on Friday. As the Town does roughly the same, it makes sense. Although it will mean I have to adjust my schedule, but if that’s the worst impact it was a good change to make.

      It sounds like the Town’s Fire Services Committee will share it’s conclusion with the various municipalities at a 3/29 meeting. A degree of uncertainty, as there are still details to nail down. The Village’s representative on that committee shared that their recommendation is expected to be merging the fire service functions of the Village and Mendon Fire District into one entity. No details on the ‘how’, merely the target to work towards. And in the interests of full disclosure, I provide technical support to this committee. Not that I think that has a meaningful impact here, but mentioning so you can weigh as you see fit.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 21, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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