Mendon Town Board 2023-01-23

      The evening of 2023-01-23 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Much like last meeting, there was a rather entertaining discussion around holidays. Started with agenda amendment amusement. Later in the meeting, much of the discussion was on this topic. I think the core issue was unequal counting of holidays (13 for office vs 14 for highway). Secondary to that was departments having floaters vs a one sized fits all approach.

      In the end, the holiday discussion was tabled for future review. Probably a good idea, as it was getting a bit heated towards the end. Personally, I was glad to hear it pointed out that ‘life isn’t fair’. That doesn’t mean we should be cruel. But it is good to remember that, even as we strive to be kind where we can, in the end fairness is beyond our ability.

      ‘Snow and Ice‘ money continues to be held up on the State side of things. On the plus side, it’s been a relatively mild winter so far, at least here. But that likely won’t last. While I’m sure things will work out this year, at some point not having the money would become an issue.

      The Mendon Youth Center now has it’s own page on the Town website, under the Community tab. In the interests of full disclosure, while I do not generate the content, I do manage the underlying website.

      As seems to happen in January, the vouchers were on the large side, at ~$630k. Sounds like there are a number of annual expenses that get paid up front. Salt, Fire Protection, Retirement, and who knows what else.

      And the Short Term Rentals Moratorium got itself extended another half year. If I understood the discussion and did the math correctly, it’s expected that they will only need about half of that to get the new law in effect. But as the moratorium setup half year increments, that was used.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 23, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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