Mendon Library Trustees 2023-01-03

      The evening of 2023-01-03 was a meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      This meeting did not match their normal schedule, which is a practice I generally don’t like. But the change meant I could observe, so no complaint this time.

      As it was the first meeting of the year, they decided on who their officers will be for the year. After some discussion, they decided to reappoint everyone to the same positions.

      Amusingly enough, there was some uncertainty over when some peoples terms ended. Normally this wouldn’t be a complicated question. Term length is a known quantity, and people should know when they joined the Board. But as some people are filling the terms of someone who had left, the aren’t filling a full term. Thus uncertainty. I’m sure they will get it sorted out soon enough.

      On a related note, they are looking for someone to fill the remainder of a term. Or maybe I should say ‘were’, as they have had many more applicants then expected. On the plus side, while there is a limit on the number of Trustees, the Friends of the Library is not bound by those restrictions. I suspect they will welcome anyone that wants to help the library.

      Regardless of your interest in joining, there will be a Cozy Little Art Show on January 16 starting at 2PM. Sounds like the party that afternoon is only for a few hours, even as the art will be staying up through February. If you don’t have anything else planned that day, might be worth stopping by.

      New computers will be coming ‘soon’. Both a server in the backroom, and replacement patron systems out where we can see them. As the previous patron systems were locked down to the point of being… quirky, I am interested in seeing how the new systems are setup. We wouldn’t want anyone malicious to be able to cause trouble, but by the same token the computer needs to be usable. Which is ever the challenge.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 03, 2023 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Library website until they update it, losing the past.

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