Honeoye Falls Village Board 2023-01-17

      The evening of 2023-01-17 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      It was a straightforward enough meeting, despite it being outside the normal meeting pattern. But the date was announced well in advance, so no surprises there. As much as I like it when patterns are followed, as with many things in life, we make the best of the imperfect situations we find ourselves.

      The most interesting portion of the meeting was the presentation from a Boy Scout for their Eagle project. Long story short, they are looking to mulch the southern half of the Zebulon Norton Trail. So roughly from the Rabbit Room to the Scout House. While I think the trail works well enough as is, I certainly wouldn’t complain about some additional mulch.

      Also of note, Rick (Mayor) was not at the meeting. Rare, but not unheard of. In his absence, Stan (Deputy Mayor) managed the meeting adequately. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting the job done, and that they did.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 17, 2023 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website, although the resolution is a bit too small to read easily.

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