General Election Pending 2022-11-08

      As usual this time of year, there is an upcoming election. The actual vote will be held Tuesday November 8th, 2022. For those who also live in Honeoye Falls, the polling station is the Mendon Community Center, formerly known as the Legion Hall.

      As usual, we have a number of elected positions to vote on, as well as approving (or not) a state bond.

      For Governor / Lieutenant Governor we have Kathy C Hochul / Antonio Delgado, and Lee Zeldin / Alison Esposito running.

      For Comptroller we have Thomas P DiNapoli, and Paul Rodriguez running.

      For Attorney General we have Letitia A James, and Michael Henry running.

      For United States Senator we have Charles E Schumer, Joe Pinion, and Diane Sare running.

      For State Supreme Court Justice we have Roman Misula, James A Vazzana, Maroun Ajaka, and Jason L Cook running for the 7th Judicial District. ‘Pick two’ from this group.

      For Representative in Congress we have Joseph D Morelle, and La’Ron Singletary running for the 25th District.

      For State Senator we have Kenan S Baldridge, and Pamela A Helming running for the 54th District.

      For Member of Assembly we have Jen Lunsford, and Joseph R Chenelly running for the 135th District.

      For Family Court Judge we have Deral D Givens, and Kristine Demo-Vazquez running.

      Finally, there is the “Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022“.

      This would seem to be a follow up to the previously established ‘right of each person to clean air and water and a healthful environment’. Having established the right, now debt must be incurred to pay for it. Which is bad for multiple reasons. First, because debt makes the borrower slave to the lender. And, for those of you that have not noticed, slavery is not a good thing. Second, ‘climate change’ is effectively a scam. Regardless of whether it is/isn’t happening, the evidence has been thoroughly politicized. As such, government officials push the idea with considerable zeal. While they also seem to A) ignore it in their personal life and B) use it to gain personal power.

      As such, I cannot recommend anyone enslave our future children to support the personal fortune of today’s political establishment. Which translates to a ‘no’ vote here.

      That being said, I won’t tell you who to vote for, that’s your choice to make. But I can offer a method for ‘how’ you decide.

      Politicians say all sorts of crazy things. So ignore everything they say, look at their fruits. Are they good ‘fruit‘, the kind you would want, and want more of? Or are they bad ‘fruit‘, the kind you would rather avoid, and want less of in the world? Exactly how you decide what constitutes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ here is up to you (it’s your vote). As with many topics, I tend to look to the Bible for direction. But you are welcome to look to other measures if you would rather.

      And those are some opinions on this upcoming election. Whether you are voting to stop ‘threats to our democracy‘ or to ‘restore the republic’ you’ve got a week to figure out how you will vote.

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