Mendon Town Board 2022-10-24

      The evening of 2022-10-24 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Topic of the evening was Short Term Rentals (STR), and a workshop to discuss potential future code changes. Felt more procedural then anything new, but I do go to alot of these meetings.

      The bulk of the meeting was comments from the public. Between those, the Board discussed potential actions. While nothing was formally decided either way tonight, I think the Board did identify the questions they need to address in order to take action.

      Those in favor of STR’s pointed at additional income, both directly through fees/taxes and indirectly at local businesses. One rental owner even said she would offer a scholarship to the Summer Recreation program. Another local venue pointed out the benefit for those visiting to attend weddings or similar events.

      Those opposed to STR’s were focused more on sound and party concerns. Seemed to want the owner to be on site at the same time as the renters. And that the business district is a better place for what is effectively a micro-hotel.

      A number of fears were mentioned. While they were valid enough, it is always dangerous when we let fear control our actions (see panic). Which isn’t to say fear has no place, or that it can’t be a powerful motivator. Just that setting aside reason increases the odds of irrational decisions. Something we seem to have enough trouble with as it is.

      I would expect the Board to draft some sort of potential code change in the next few weeks. From what they said, I can’t really predict how they will go, apart from not wanting to disrupt the character of the community. I would be rather surprised if they said ‘anything goes’, just as I would be by a blanket denial.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the October 24, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

      Once more, in the interests of full disclosure, I am a member of the Town Zoning Board and we recently had an application that touched upon this evenings topic. For whatever that is worth…

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