Honeoye Falls Village Board 2022-10-17

      The evening of 2022-10-17 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      This was Virginia Floss‘s first night on the Board, as she is filling in the remainder of Shari Stottler’s term. I believe everyone in the room welcomed her, as would be expected. Shari will be missed, but the job continues.

      Gerald Lonthair shared his thoughts on the Town’s Fire Services Committee. To summarize: No conclusions yet, but a recommendation of some short should be coming in the future. Too soon to speculate as to what that recommendation would be, or even what shape it would be. A number of people who had also been at those meetings agreed with him, and I’ll do the same.

      Both fire and ambulance continue to report record call volume. I wonder on the details and ‘why’. Fallout form a change in policy somewhere? Is it a particular kind of call? Nothing in particular, just an overall uptick? Short term spike as a side effect of the panic? Or continuation of a long term trend? Really feels like someone with more information then I should do some sort of analysis here.

      Related, there is apparently an emergency services app, that shares information on the call between members. And for whatever reason, a large number of people who aren’t ambulance/fire members have asked to join the app. Their requests have been denied, on the basis that there is too much private information shared (HIPAA applies here). Reading between the lines, it looks like the shift to digital has lead to less basic information being publicly shared. That the services are doing what they are doing is reasonable enough, but at the same time, the public should know what is going on, at least in a general sense. Do we need to know that Helena Varinius broke her left hand when her Audi RSS crashed into a Toyota Camry? No, but we should know that there was a motor vehicle accident on Kennebeck Road. If only so we can route around the accident.

      On a more pleasant note, the annual Fireman’s Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 10th. Time wasn’t stated, but it’s in the evening. Put it on your calendar and perhaps I’ll see you there.

      There was discussion around alcohol sales/tastings in Harry Allen Park for various festivals and similar. While this was only a general discussion, the Board seemed in favor of some sort of allowances. But the devil is ever in the details. Personally, I think it goes to the intent of the event. If it’s supposed to be ‘family friendly’ then it generally shouldn’t include activities that the whole family can’t partake in. Thus no alcohol, or other ‘adult’ activities. If it’s more narrowly focused, that does change things. But it’s still in a public park, so intergalactic keggers should be avoided.

      And the Village approved their side of the Summer Recreation program. I expect the Town of Mendon will have done likewise at their meeting, which occurred at the same time as this one.

      The meeting then ended with an executive session. While details on that are sparse, from context I expect the Honeoye Falls Fire Department will be discussed. In particular, plans to purchase Critics (or not). While I have been hearing hints and whispers for a while now, I have no meaningful details to offer here, just a general feeling of being out of the loop. Eh, such is life.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the October 17, 2022 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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