Mendon Town Board 2022-09-12

      The evening of 2022-09-12 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Tonight included the 2023 Tentative Budget presentation. To summarize: the tax rate remains flat, while services are maintained. The library section of the budget is increasing ~6%. I can’t tell you how the math works out here, what with inflation and all. But I expect further details will come out before the final budget is actually approved.

      The Youth Center looks to be reopening at the beginning of next month. An ‘Open House’ is scheduled for September 29 at 6:30PM. For those of your who have middle school age kids, or (like me) just feel like wandering by. Regular hours should then begin the following Monday. I want to say those will be 2-6PM Monday-Thursday, but you’ll want to verify that before sending your kids off.

      Ms Fiore received a refund for her application fee to the Planning Board. I thought this was fitting, as that meeting won’t be happening, due to the recent moratorium. Perhaps she’ll be back again once that is resolved, perhaps not. Either way, I think it’s better to settle this detail now. If needed, she can pay the fee again. Or not, if the situation changes rendering such no longer necessary.

      In vouchers, ~$173k was spent on the splash park project. Total vouchers for the month was ~$238k. And in the interests of full disclosure, once again a minuscule portion of that total went to my pocket.

      There was also an executive session, on which I can only speculate. Considering who was (and wasn’t) there, I doubt it would be very good speculation, so I won’t.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 12, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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