Mendon Library Trustees 2022-06-27

      The evening of 2022-06-27 was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      It was a nice straightforward meeting, with the most amusing portion being a discussion around the logistics of disposing of inoperable vacuum cleaners. And in contrast to the most recent meeting I’ve observed, short.

      The Summer Reading Program has started, kicked off last week with a magic show. Because reading is magic? Eh, either way, it sounds like it went well. And many more activities planned over the summer.

      Long Range Planning is occurring. Only a general overview tonight, but likely to be a proper report in a few months.

      Was an interesting discussion about ‘first amendment filming’. Didn’t really make sense to me, as apparently this is controversial in some way. For good or bad, any group of people likely includes more cameras then people. Thus it should be expected that filming would occur, at least when out in public. And a library would qualify as a public place. So until/unless the filming is itself a form of assault, it should be a non-issue. But apparently some people do just that, film as a method of provoking problems. People are just strange.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 27, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Library website.

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