Mendon Town Board 2022-05-31

      The evening of 2022-05-31 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      This meeting was supposedly called to discuss details around the bids for the Military Memorial/Spray Park. While that did happen, the bulk of the meeting was a discussion on grants.

      Unlike last time, bids were actually awarded. Sounds like ~$1.2 million awarded to the contractor, while the overall budget is ~$1.6 million. So some buffer for the unexpected and such. With prices the way they are, seems prudent. We’ll see how it plays out.

      That was the last few minutes of the meeting. The hour or so before… let’s just say Emily can talk. Seems well informed in her field, presents herself well, and reasonably interesting. But also talks, alot. Still, I did learn some interesting things and she only used half of the 2 hours she predicted.

      From the discussion, I would offer a working definition of ‘Grant’: Manipulation through funding. Would seem to be dangerously close to ‘bribe’ in some situations. Another reason I’m in favor of small government, makes it less important if/when ‘grants’ are actually ‘bribes’.

      Also heard about Minority and Woman owned Business Enterprise (MWBE). Interesting as there are laws forbidding discrimination based on gender. Yet the state is requiring discrimination on exactly that (also minorityiness, if that’s even a word). Yet another example of it being illegal when you or I do it, but not when government requires it.

      To be clear, I have no problem with being frugal in spending money. I do have a problem with letting other peoples money decide your actions. Likewise, I have no problem hiring skilled individuals/groups, regardless of their skin/contents of pants. I do have a problem with some people being ‘more equal‘ under the law.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 31, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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