Honeoye Falls Village Board 2022-05-16

      The evening of 2022-05-16 was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      There was followup on previous discussion around Roctricity and Community Choice Aggregation (CCA). The Village continues to explore this option, sounds like cost savings for residents is the primary driver.

      As with last time this was brought up, it’s opt-out. Thus we are all in by default, if/when it gets to that point. Not there yet, too soon to opt-out.

      What interests me (and I got the impression the Board as well) is the ‘guaranteed’ discount. It sounds like it will be for 10%, but not clear what it’s 10% of. Likewise, not clear how the finances for the discount work. From what was said, I got the impression it’s effectively another cost for the solar developer to pay. Thus making it less fiscally appealing. Yet it’s there, so how does the math work out? Simple answer would be a subsidy (in which case we all pay in taxes), but that wasn’t said. Questions to ask in the future.

      The local Boy Scouts will have a BBQ in Harry Allen Park on June 4th 10AM – 7PM. For those of you that like to eat BBQ and/or support the Scouts.

      And the local Girl Scouts will have a Pumpkin Festival in Harry Allen Park on October 15th 3PM – 9PM. Again, for those of you that like Pumpkins and/or supporting the Scouts.

      Other then that, mostly straight forward meeting.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 16, 2022 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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