Mendon Town Board 2022-04-11

      The evening of 2022-04-11 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Most interesting item of the night was the Military Memorial/Spray Park. Bottom line, the bid for the memorial was approved, while the spray park is being rebid. The spray park was put out as three bids, for legal reasons. But apparently those reasons don’t apply, so they are now being rebid as one. Hopefully this way someone will offer to do the whole project, instead of leaving important parts unbid.

      According to page 55 of the packet, the total cost is expected to be in the $1.6 million ballpark. Although from the discussion, it sounds like there are expected to be grants for a good chunk of that.

      Fittingly, a contract was approved with ESP Consulting to assist with grant writing. Not just for the spray park, but in general. Emily was very enthusiastic. While I think the government throwing money around like crazy is a bad idea, as they are I can’t fault the Town for trying to get some of it.

      The collapsing structure at 3316 Rush-Mendon Road was declared unsafe, and will be demolished. Ironically enough, I drove by there today, and I’m not surprised the Town is taking action. There was a Public Hearing on this at the meeting, but no one commented. Perhaps because the need is that obvious just by looking at what’s left of the building.

      There was a short talk about reopening the Mendon Youth Center. In summary, they are looking to reopen in September, shortly after the school year starts back up again. Details to iron out between now and then, perhaps including a few open houses during the summer. If you’ve got Middle School aged kids, perhaps something to keep an eye out for.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 11, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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