Mendon Town Board 2022-03-28

      The evening of 2022-03-28 was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The primary reason for the meeting was to discuss details around the bids for the Military Memorial/Spray Park. No bids were awarded at this meeting, but it sounds like they expect to do so at the April 11th meeting. To be fair, at the March 14 meeting it sounded like they would be awarded tonight.

      The reason for not awarding bids was a lack of bids for all components. Bid 2, of 4, had no takers at this time. Hopefully they can find someone to do the job by the time the next meeting rolls around.

      Amusingly enough, the current bids say concrete and granite are effectively the same price. Granite is a more expensive material, but concrete has higher labor cost. The number I heard was a $1 difference, once everything is factored in.

      In a way, much of the discussion felt like a rehash of the Military Memorial Committee meetings. Shorten and condensed, but many of the same core topics mentioned.

      Besides that, a few other items but nothing really of note. The meeting wasn’t quiet the ‘two minutes’ as predicted, but it wasn’t too much longer. Not counting the executive session, which doesn’t count as it’s not public session.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 28, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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