Mendon Town Board 2022-01-24

      Tonight (2022-01-24) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Despite some excitement around taking a conditional action or waiting for a public hearing, it was a relatively straightforward meeting. The snowfall was likely the greater excitement, but I consider that more of entertainment.

      John (Supervisor) gave a presentation on budget numbers. Was mostly about how the Town’s funds are split between Town wide functions (including the Village) and outside the Village functions. Informative for anyone wondering the difference between the A and B accounts.

      As it’s the start of the fiscal year, a number of larger ticket items were paid up front. If I heard it right, ~$216k for retirement fund, ~$83k for insurance, ~$56k for workers comp, and ~$44k for salt. Pointing at the snow again, that much for salt doesn’t seem unreasonable right now.

      An amusing assortment of electronics were declared scrap. By the sounds of it, artifacts uncovered from the tenure of the previous Clerk.

      As mentioned at the top, the discussion around the property tax exemption was surprising. At issue wasn’t the actual exemptions, those will be for the public hearing at the next meeting. The question was around the Board approving an action with the condition of an approval after the public hearing. Or no action tonight, and approve (or not) after the public hearing. While I can understand the streamlining of the first option, it does appear to skirt the intent of a public hearing. At least to a degree. End of the day, I doubt it will make any difference. But from a process (and transparency) standpoint, I think it makes more sense to approve/deny after the public hearing.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 24, 2022 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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