Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2021-10-26

      Last night (2021-10-26) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Big topic of the evening was the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workshop. Besides that, as usual, there were a number of other topics discussed.

      Grace Shannon was sworn in as the Student Board Representative. Robert Brown was also there, but he was not sworn in. Not sure what the details are, but apparently she has the role. Regardless, I think it’s good there is someone filling this position again. While the BoE doesn’t work for the students, their work directly impacts them. Thus it is worth having this communication channel. Even if it doesn’t change any outcomes, there is value in being heard.

      Last week was School Board Recognition week. But as the meeting was this week, this was when this Board celebrated. Looks like the usual assortment of items. Artwork from students, letters of thanks, and snacks.

      The school website is being refurbished, and the ‘new and improved’ version should be up 11/1. So next Monday. As websites are something I work on professionally, I’m always interested in seeing how people manage their sites. The challenge of presenting the information in an efficient, yet aesthetically pleasing, manner. Or not, as sometimes occurs.

      The budget calendar was approved, although there are still a number of details ‘to be determined’. But those can be ironed out as they approach the relevant meetings. Having a calendar nailed down is a necessary step.

      Policy 3220 ‘Public Expression at Meetings‘ was discussed, and it sounds like they are ready to move on towards approving it. At the core, they seem to be planning for the rare event of a massive crowd wanting to speak. While there is nothing wrong with planning for a rainy day, this seems like trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Although it has clearly existed for other schools, so maybe it’s prudent here. Just in case…

      As said at the top, the big topic was the workshop on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Which was interesting, more for what wasn’t said then what was. The documents provided and the discussion felt like they were addressing different topics.

      The discussion seemed to be around how to cover a variety of different viewpoints on any one situation. Even had a short video that could be summarized as ‘we are more then just our most obvious aspect’. There was comparison to common core, and how this teaching method appears to be in direct conflict. Which is unfortunately consistent with the state upending education standards every few years.

      In any case, we are apparently in Phase I (of 3) of a process that has no deadline or way to measure success. Combined with previous actions taken by HFL, it almost sounds like a non-issue. Continue the general work/process we are already doing, nothing to worry about here.

      It was explicitly stated that this is not Critical Race Theory, as that is college level. That CRT isn’t taught at HFL. Fair enough, yet also irrelevant. Teachers went to college, and that education guides what/how they teach. Which brings us to the documents provided, instead of the conversation.

      There is much that seems good, dare I even say ‘common sense’, in the framework. But there is enough that sure looks like it shares the same race obsessed world view that backs CRT. It seems most blatant in the glossary at the end. Which defines five types of racism, in addition to other racially related topics.

      To be clear, I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist. Nor am I saying it’s a good thing when it does. I just think we should spend our time and energy focusing on what unites us, not what divides.

      America has worked (to the extent it has) because of the melting pot effect. Everyone living here (more or less) adopted the prevalent ‘culture’. Which was really composed of all sorts of tidbits from elsewhere, all mashed together in a ‘melting pot’. Judeo-Christian culture does have a significant impact, but that’s because it provided the initial foundation.

      To paraphrase, America became great because it was good. It was good because of the core faith in God. Call this education ‘model’ what you will (CRT, CRSE, Equity, etc), it seems designed to eliminate commonality, focusing only on what divides us. In the process, it will weaken (if not destroy) the foundation that has kept America together.

      As an aside, these documents will almost certainly be declared ‘racist’ in a few short years. Either because the definition of such has drifted ever further afield, or because we have returned to the ideas of ‘created equal‘ and ‘judged by character not color‘.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the October 26, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording is already available.

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