Mendon Town Board 2021-09-13

      Tonight (2021-09-13) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      There was a surprisingly large crowd for the meeting. About half of which was there for the Peacemakers Motorcycle Club, and the other half the Code change to Chapter 260-13 of the Zoning Code.

      The Peacemakers Motorcycle Club made a donation to the Town for the upcoming Military Memorial. If I heard the number right, tonight they gave $1000 for that purpose. After a short speech and some photographs, they rode off into the rain (and maybe sunset). Was nice of them to do this, and I hope they all finish their journey well.

      There was a public hearing to change the Zoning Code. If I understand the backstory right, some enterprising individual found a loophole in the code. Which they are intending to exploit to turn their residential property into a commercial wedding venue (and similar events). Needless to say, this caused some unhappiness among the neighbors, a number of which showed up to speak tonight. All that spoke were in favor of the code change, as it removes this potential commercial usage. Personal uses still remain, so you can marry off your daughter on your own property (or anyone else in your family). Just can’t rent out your residential property for parties anymore.

      While this change made sense to me, I do somewhat wonder why it was needed. As the complaints were around noise, I would expect that section of the code to sufficiently handle the situation. Of course, that would be after the fact, and not before.

      Considering a website has been produced to sell this service, I fully expect this won’t be the last time this topic is discussed.

      While it drew no one to the meeting, tonight was also the tentative budget presentation. As it is tentative, it is entirely possible it will change completely before it is approved. Unlikely to happen, although minor changes will probably happen.

      Wasn’t really anything that surprised me in it. Town tax rate is down a little, while services will be staying the same. Not that you will likely notice on your tax bill, as it is eclipsed by the School and (to a lesser extent) County taxes.

      Incidentally, school tax collection has started. And the second quarter portion of the County’s sales tax were received.

      Outside of that, there were various interesting tidbits discussed.
The new library director is settling in well.
The flag retirement box at the community center looks good, although it may not be finished.
The Mendon Youth Center is trying to have an open house October 11.
Next meeting of this Board will be September 27.
There will be a blood drive at the Mendon Community Center on October 14.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 13, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Digital copy of the Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Town’s website in the future, perhaps not.

In the interests of full disclosure, I continue to provide technical support to this group, and thus wasn’t exactly in the audience. For whatever that is worth…

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