Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2021-09-07

      Tonight (2021-09-07) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      Last I observed this group was in May. Three potential meetings (June, July, August) since then. I know at least one (and I think two) of those were canceled due to no applicants. And I missed one due to a scheduling conflict. Not that anyone (besides me) is paying attention to that.

      43 Maplewood requested (and received) approval for an addition. There was some discussion about if the garage will be attached or not. Sounds to me like the owner may have put the ‘cart before the house‘, asking for approval when they haven’t decided on the garage. Still, it sounded rather straightforward, so they received approval.

      There was a longer discussion on the Wolfsberger Park project. In the end they received both Subdivision and Phase I Site Plan approval. I did not hear any dates mentioned for when construction would start.

      Overall the builder sounds competent. I didn’t catch his (or his companies) name, but he is apparently the third generation in his family to do this job. He emphasized outreach with the community. Both the current residents and those that will be moving into the new houses. They are planning to market the Village far and wide to fill these homes. As with most things, this has both good and bad aspects.

      The map at the meeting and the one I’m linking to are not identical. I would say they are substantially similar enough for that not to matter, at least for those of us that aren’t actually doing the construction. In any case, looks to be 118 units in total, spread out in what are expected to be four phases of construction. The first phase was approved tonight, and while I didn’t hear a number of units for that, eyeballing the maps suggests about a quarter of the total.

      There was an interesting bit with the road. If I understand it right, the Village’s new road specifications are outdated, and the builder wanted to use more modern ones. Wasn’t an issue, but I was amused when the standards were referred to as ‘antiquated’.

      There was a comment from the public about running fiber for internet as part of the construction process. The developer said that would be up to the local ISP‘s. Which in turn led to a short discussion about how to get Greenlight into the area, to end the ‘tyranny of Spectrum‘. Competition breeds excellence, as the saying goes.

      Another public comment expressed concerns about flooding. I’m not sure if the developer answered the direct question, but they claim to have looked at potential water issues. Which, at the end of the day, may be all that can be done. Give it your best shot, document what you’ve done for those that will come after, and continue on. Perfect is the enemy of good enough.

      The idea of a traffic choker on the Miner street connection was proposed. While no commitment was made, this idea went over well. Seems to avoid the pitfalls of speed bumps and similar methods.

      While this project has had it’s share of challenges getting to this point, I think it’s in a good place now. I hope their construction goes well and they find many happy buyers for their new homes.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 7, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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