Honeoye Falls Village Board 2021-09-20

      Tonight (2021-09-20) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      For the most part, despite being at the Mendon Community Center, this was a fairly normal Village Trustee meeting. Which is good, excitement is overrated.

      An ‘appreciation dinner’ is being planned for the Ambulance and Fire Departments. I get the impression this hasn’t been a joint activity in the past, but the groups are being combined this time. Regardless, it is good to thank those who put themselves at risk to protect the rest of us.

      In a completely unrelated sign of appreciation, it sounds like the Heroes Brewing Company will be making ‘Iron Man Lager’ (or something similar) inspired by the local fire department. Not being a big alcohol expert myself, I’m sure I got all sorts of details wrong there. But I know many people that enjoy their drinks, so this may be worth looking into if you are one of them.

      Sunday (9/26) 3-5PM in Harry Allen Park is a special ‘Good Vibes’ concert. As a number of the Tuesday events were called off due to rain, there is a rain plan for this one. So if you like going to music events, here’s one for this weekend.

      The old red building at ~22 East street has been condemned and demolition plans are underway. While the building is old, and in a historic portion of the Village, it is not historic itself. Not to mention in such condition that restoration isn’t feasible. As was said at the meeting, we don’t want it falling into the creek. Unsaid was we also don’t want it falling onto anyone. Best for boring controlled demolition.

      The last year or so we have been fed a steady diet of ‘fear porn’, causing a chunk of the population to hide under their beds. Another chunk is being paid to not work. While another is stuck between violating their bodies (along with conscience) or finding different work. Putting all that together, I wasn’t surprised when the ambulance chief said EMS is in crisis. Demand is up, staffing is down, it’s a mess. Apparently one of the local hospitals (I heard Highland, but could be wrong) is short ~150 workers at the moment, and has about that many who will leave instead of being vaccinated. While all of this is unfortunate, to a degree it was predictable. Does leave me wondering if this mess was part of the desired outcome. After all, how better to prevent a crisis from going to waste then if you create it? To be clear, I’m not assigning fault to anyone local. Although they are imperfect (just like all of us), I think any blame belongs a bit higher up the governmental hierarchy.

      On a more pleasant note, the Library’s usage of Harry Allen Park for various activities was approved. Lego’s, book reading, and other such things. While I wouldn’t want to be the one picking the Lego’s out of the lawn, great to hear they continue to find ways to involve the community.

      Christmas/Fireman’s Parade was approved for December 11th. Although the verbiage included ‘following guidelines’, so the pessimist in me expects it will be canceled by the time that date rolls around. But if it’s not planned for then it won’t happen, so I applaud them for taking this step. Reminds me it’s about time to start planning my Christmas activities. Time keeps ticking away.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 20, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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