Mendon Town Board 2021-08-23

      Tonight (2021-08-23) was a special meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      As the meeting was publicized as being to consider a response to the Military Memorial Committee, that was the primary topic of the evening. Although other items did sneak in.

      Semmel Road location was approved for the eventual memorial, along with a splash park. While there will be details to work out, the Board is committed to following through with this project. The goal is to be open for Memorial Day 2022, but they acknowledged the possibility of delays.

      While it’s not set in stone, the idea of naming the park ‘Dust Off’ was mentioned. Amusing as a splash park would remove any dust on those using it. While also being the motto of those whose memorial shares the location. I think the idea of a location of play being next to a memorial is fitting. As those who died were focused on saving lives, how better to remember them then to enjoy life to the fullest.

      A budget for the splash park was approved, I heard a total of ~$900k. I expect further details will be provided as the project moves along.

      A comment was made that the memorial should integrate with the Village’s memorial at the cemetery (right outside the Community Center). A decent enough idea, if outside the jurisdiction of this Board. It did prompt me to take a look at the names on the bricks after the meeting. I was surprised with how many I recognized. Perhaps I shouldn’t be, as serving others is a noble task. And there is room for more names, as others continue to serve.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 23, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

In the interests of full disclosure, I continue to provide technical support to this group, and thus wasn’t exactly in the audience. For whatever that is worth…

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