Mendon Town Board 2021-08-09

      Tonight (2021-08-09) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Big topic of the evening was the report from the Military Memorial Committee. As I have been providing technical support to this group (and continued to do so tonight), I wasn’t exactly in the audience. Having said that…

      The new library director was named, Lila Grills. While I’m sure I misspelled it, at least I caught her name this time.

      Apparently elsewhere tonight there was also a meeting to discuss the Village Fire Department expansion plans. While I was not there (obviously), I would expect to hear a summary of that at the Village Board’s next meeting. Which will most likely be next Monday.

      Summer Recreation has concluded for the year, and by all accounts went well. Good to hear, although this also means kids will be back to school soon. Whether that is good or bad news is debatable, and your opinion is most likely influenced by your age.

      The Military Memorial Committee gave their report, and to summarize, they feel that placing a memorial at the Semmel Road park would be an appropriate response to the unfortunate deaths of three servicemen last January 20. While I expect this project to still take some time to bring to completion, from the tone, I fully expect it to reach that point. While there was some discussion on the topic tonight, a special meeting was scheduled for August 23 at 7PM. The primary (and likely only) item of discussion will be how this Board plans to go forward with this project.

      Deputy Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officers were appointed. Amusing as I know both of those assigned. Tom Voorhees formerly held these positions, before retiring. And Tim Fess fills this role for another municipality. Regardless of the details tonight, it is prudent to have people to fill in. For when life’s inevitable hiccups occur.

      Two speed detectors are being purchased, and will be deployed around the Town in an attempt to discourage speeding. I don’t know if that will be successful, but I look at them as a reminder of our imperfect state, and the inevitability of breaking the law. How we respond to that says interesting things, both about us (individually) and the law.

      The wooden doors at the Town office are being refinished, again. This seems to happen every year or two. Weathering from the falls and salt was blamed. The historical nature of the building was offered as a reason why alternate solutions haven’t been found.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 9, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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