Honeoye Falls Village Board 2021-08-16

      Tonight (2021-08-16) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      It was a pretty normal meeting, all things considered. Yes, a pair of Board members were away, but that had little impact on the meeting itself.

      As a number of the ‘Good Vibes’ concerts have been canceled this summer, an extra event is being planned to Sunday September 26. Time was not mentioned, but the rest have been ~6:30PM. Is this one earlier, because it is longer? Or the same time, just a different day? If you show up early, there are worse ways to spend a Sunday evening then hanging out in the park.

      There was a very interesting discussion about how the Village will be discriminating against staff who have opted to not receive any of the covid vaccines. While I think this is worrisome, for a variety of reasons, I was glad to hear them also talking about the inevitable relaxing of these acts. I think it would be better to not start in the first place, thus no need to adjust latter.

      There was a report on the recent Fire Department expansion meeting. Progress is continuing, although it sounds like it’s still in the early architectural stage.

      The Village is planning a 9/11 remembrance event. Unfortunately, I already have other plans that morning, otherwise I would have liked to join in.

      The Zoning Boards next meeting will be 9/7, during which they will be discussing Wolfsberger park. Likely also discussing the potential impact of cannabis use in the Village, at least from a land use standpoint.

      The non-road support structure off of Hyde Park appears to have been completed. Pictures can be found on the Village’s Facebook page. By the sounds of it, paving will occur over the next couple weeks. Still expecting to be completely done before school reopens.

      While there is still a couple months for actions to occur, it looks like the Village be opting in to the State’s cannabis plans. The way the law was written, no action defaults to opt-in. I can’t really fault the Village for this approach, even if I don’t entirely agree. On the one hand, I don’t think it’s the governments place (especially at the Federal level) to decide what adults can consume. On the other hand, it is federally illegal, and a principled stance against that does not appear to be one of the reasons for it’s ‘legality’ within the State. I’m all for deliberately breaking bad laws, but just ignoring a law because no one cares? That weakens the Rule of Law, pushing us ever closer to Rule of Man.

      The local Boy Scouts are (sort of) paying for the Village Court’s stenographer. Not really an accurate view of the facts. But if you are looking for amusement over accuracy… A gentleman asked the Village to (in essence) transfer responsibility for the Scout House to the local Rotary. At a different meeting, he asked them to fund a stenographer. Thus money not spent maintaining property for the Scouts can be spent for the court.

      Smoking in Village parks is apparently allowed at this time. As this was a surprise to some of those in the room, they are looking at changing that. I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, the less I have to deal with smoke the better. Be it burning cigarettes, cannabis, houses, I don’t want any of that near me. On the other hand, it feels like an inappropriate usage of government power in exposed public spaces. Maybe here we are seeing a reason cannabis is illegal.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 16, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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