Mendon Town Board 2021-06-14

      Tonight (2021-06-14) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Town property tax collection is done for the year. ~97% was collected. Now the County goes after those that didn’t pay (whatever that entails). Hopefully that doesn’t include you.

      The electronic recycling event went well. There was talk about making this an annual event. For those of you that missed it, the Village does accept electronics for recycling (certain conditions may apply).

      More panic alarms are now installed at the office. Exact location was unspecified, which is at it should be. The people that work there need to know where they are, the rest of us don’t. Hopefully they will never be needed, but (to a point) better safe then sorry.

      A collection of board games were donated to the Mendon Youth Center. This is not part of a planned reopening, but a side effect of someone moving out of Town. Which is a shame, better to use the space then to have it sit vacant. On the other hand, Summer Rec will be starting up soon enough.

      The Town is looking into buying digital speedometers, as a method to discourage speeding. While I think there is value here, I’m not sure government is the best place to be providing this function. Having said that, if government overreach is occurring, best to be at the local level. It’s a whole lot easier to talk with the Village/Town Board’s then say, the President. More accountability (in both directions) because we walk the same streets.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 14, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.

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