Mendon Library Trustees 2021-06-07

      Tonight (2021-06-07) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      Despite it being the Library meeting, one of the first items discussed was the Town’s upcoming electronic recycling and paper shredding event. For those of you with appropriate items in need of disposal.

      The big discussion was the future library director, and how the civil service requirements come into play. They can only hire from the civil service list, regardless of any other qualifiers. At least on round one. If everyone on that list declines then more options open up. And it is expected that the salary will cause many candidates to decline.

      The way the civil service was discussed reminds me of the line about “The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.” At some point, regardless of any good intentions, the system works for itself first and foremost. Are we at that point here? I don’t know, but the system does seem prone to abuse. Although I am hearing this third hand, so I’m sure I’m missing details. Perhaps even important ones.

      Book quarantining appears to be over. Which means faster turn around, and they can be lent back out quicker. As getting information to people is the Library’s reason for existing, I think this is an improvement worth mentioning.

      There was a Bee issue at the building, and it appears to have been addressed. Hopefully they won’t return, even as life tends to find a way. Either way, regular maintenance is just something that needs to be done.

      And there was discussion around hours to be open, and how paying staff interacts with that. Sounds like they want to be open more, but need to be sure the money works out. Which is prudent. End result is summer hours are changing slightly. Was not clear to me what exactly the new hours will be, but they should be published in multiple locations (website, facebook, twitter, on door, etc) before too long.

      As this is the first time I’ve seen the interim director (or whatever her title is) in action, offering my opinion on her performance. She appears to both know what she is doing, and be enthusiastic as she goes about it. Both of which are good traits to have. Unfortunate when someone with as many years experience at the job as Laurie had steps down, but change is part of life.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 7, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

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