Honeoye Falls-Lima Graduation 2021-06-26

      Today (2021-06-26) was the graduation of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Class of 2021.

      The ceremony was at Dollard Field (football stadium), much like last year. What a difference a year makes. Then we were in the midst of mass panic, now we are (hopefully) past that insanity. Regardless, I thought it was a very nice event today. Hopefully next years will go just as well.

      As happens at this sort of thing, there were a number of speeches. While they were all good enough, I was impressed by the Valedictorian and Superintendents. Ryan’s focus on finding the right cheerleaders in life was inspiring (~20 minute mark). And Gene’s was heartfelt, thrilled that we reached this point (~41 minute mark).

      But I think the guitar solo was by far the best part of the event (~38 minute mark). Edward did an impressive job there, I thought it was a very fitting message. I’m not surprised he was also at this years ‘Mr HFL‘.

      Overall, there was a message of positivity in the face of challenges. Which is fitting, as life is full of challenges. We can overcome, or cower. Better to work together and persevere, because the challenges will keep coming either way. An important, if painful, lesson for us all to learn.

      I am ever amused by simple things. In particular, how the applause differ for different graduates. Both in overall volume and in where it comes from. You can tell who is popular among the graduates, the crowd, and both. Doesn’t really say anything important, but it is amusing.

      When the time came, I was surprised by the graduates hesitancy to throw their hats. First I can recall for that, graduates usually are happy to throw things. Hats, balls, water balloons, anything they can pickup. Maybe it was the weather.

      Weather was good. A steady breeze mitigated the worst of the heat. It could have been a little cooler, but it could have been raining too. So on balance, weather was plenty good enough. Which is always a gamble for outside events.

      Congratulations graduates for making it this far. Congratulations staff for all the background steps needed to get them to this point, both today and over the years. And congratulations community for shepherding another group of children to the point where they are ready to go out and join us in this adventure known as ‘life’.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 26, 2021 graduation ceremony of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Class of 2021.

The event was recorded, and you may watch it on YouTube.

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