Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2021-06-22

      Tonight (2021-06-22) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Despite so many other places rolling back restrictions on attendance, BoE meetings are still invitation only. And despite the spirit (and letter) of the open meeting laws, the public is not invited. In case it’s not clear, I do not consider this a good situation to be in. Still, we do what we must.

      There were two comments during that portion of the meeting that seemed to be saying essentially the same thing. Namely that they are displeased with how the District has been handling the panic as time has gone by. I’m oversimplifying, as I can not replicate the ‘mother defending cubs’ impression they gave. I applaud them for speaking out against fear, and their desire to improve the situation. Sadly, due to the BoE continuing to meet ‘remotely’, I am unable to applaud these women in person.

      This did highlight to me something I’ve been noticing at these meetings, and forget between them. From the schools point of view, we’re living through a near apocalyptic experience. Yet from personal experience, the ‘crisis’ is over, and has been for months. Leaves me wondering who is more out of touch with ‘reality’. Me, for thinking life is (more or less) back to ‘normal’. Or them, for continuing to act like the world has ‘ended’.

      For two Board members, this was their last meeting. Joe Alati and Dave Ghidiu have finished their terms and will be onto others things next meeting. Thanks were offered for their service.

      Then it was outside for Cougar Pride Awards. I don’t know if I should applaud their flexibility in moving outside. Or laugh at the absurdity of not being able to be inside. Considering the technical difficulties, crying is probably the better option. Regardless, it is nice to recognize those who have helped in various ways.

      After a short break, it was on to the Capitol Project update. While the presentation included pictures, the most obvious impact is likely the lights at the turf field by the Middle School. Scoreboard is expected to be here in August.

      Building principals talked about how their various year end events. It looks like the kids enjoyed themselves. Any excuse for a party, and the end of the school year makes for a good excuse. Even if there are still a few things left before it’s all done, at least for all the grades.

      Graduation will be attempted on Saturday June 26 at 2PM, at Dollard Field (football stadium). Between weather concerns and that I may have misheard, worth checking before showing up.

      Time for the annual Urban-Suburban Report. We appear to be gaining 3 students next year, for a total of 9 in this program. While I have questions on the program, as we are doing this, I am glad with the diligence being put into it.

      As the current capitol project is nearing it’s end, there was discussion about the ‘mission accomplished’ plaques. To Gary’s credit, he requested more details as the price seemed high. Good for him, being frugal with other people’s money is too rare of a trait.

      There was an interesting discussion about comments at Board meetings. And how the public want to have their frustrations heard, but the Board can’t respond back. While no solution was offered, a desire to improve communications was expressed. Good to hear they recognize the issue. Unfortunate to hear they don’t have a fix. Even as they experience the other side when talking to other elected officials. While it isn’t a complete solution, allowing the public to also be at the meeting would help. It would provide opportunities to converse both before and after the meetings.

      To tie in with losing members, next meeting the Board gains members and will choose it’s President and Vice President for the year. So tonight they talked around the issue on who would be willing to hold which position. From the way people responded, I kind of expect Stephanie for President and Carol for Vice. But anything could happen at the next meeting.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 22, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording of the meeting will likely be available soon.

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