Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2021-06-08

      Tonight (2021-06-08) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

Once again, other obligations prevented me from attending the BoE meeting. I continue to be thankful there is a recording made, and that they take comments by email. While never as good as being there in person, it is much better then reading minutes.

      Despite being unable to attend, reading through the documents proved on BoardDocs before the meeting did lead to some thoughts. Those thoughts are shared below, for whatever that is worth.

      Before the ‘public’ portion of the meeting (and potentially after) was planned an executive session for the Superintendent’s evaluation. While executive sessions are not viewable to the public at large, the results will be. In that if Gene is still around next year his evaluation was mostly favorable. And if we are looking for a new Superintendent, it wasn’t. I suspect he will still be here, but I’m not privy to all the inner workings, so I can be wrong.

      There will be a senior art show at Mendon 64, starting June 3. If admiring artwork appeals, it may be worth looking into. As today is June 8, it may already be too late, as no end date was listed.

      Universal Pre-Kindergarten is continuing along. Looks to be aiming at full day for all in the age bracket. Which goes again to the point of how much you (as a parent) trust public education. If you do, then more is better. If not, then this is a worrying trend. I find it interesting how much we are putting today’s children through experiences we never had when we were their age. Whether this ends up being an improvement or not remains to be seen. As ever, time will tell.

      The school lunch program is operating at a loss. A collection of reasons were listed, the first being that NYSED is allowing free meals for all students. Ironically, this has led to less meals being consumed. Largest financial item on the list is the ‘Ala Carte’ sales, which accounts for ~2/3rds of the loss. While it has been an ‘odd’ year in many ways, I can remember a while back (6 years or so) the school lunch program was turning a profit (to the extent such applies in this context). Hopefully next year will go better.

      And school mask regulations are being adjusted. You are no longer required to wear a mask when outside of school. While there probably won’t be any official relief for the remainder of the school year, verbiage implies the school has more flexibility if they so choose. Perhaps pointing to the heat making masks unbearable. A step in the right direction, but also feels a bit ‘too little, too late’.

      Yes, I glossed over the part above where it said ‘on school property’. Comma placement can make for amusing sentences. Is it school property that is also outside of the building? That’s most likely. But it could also be ‘school property’ and ‘outside of school’ as two different locations. In this case, I like the one that is more amusing. Hence the implication the school previously required us all to wear masks when not at school (ie all the time).

      And those are my … thoughts from reading the documents before … the June 8, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording of the meeting will likely be available soon.

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