Honeoye Falls Village Board 2021-04-19

      Tonight (2021-04-19) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      I would say the highlights were deer, drugs, and ambulance. Which isn’t to say they are directly connected, although sometimes they can be. A variety of other topics were also discussed (as usual).

      Since the last ‘normal’ meeting, there had been three special meetings. A budget workshop, budget hearing, and annual meeting. So there were a collection of minutes for approval.

      Good Vibes summer concert series is coming along well. Sounds like it’s not quiet booked solid, but it’s close. Assuming past years scheduling holds, you can expect music most Tuesday evenings in Harry Allen Park. At least once summer gets here.

      This Saturday (4/24) there will be an Environmental Fair in Harry Allen Park, as part of the annual Arbor Day celebration. Event is scheduled to run from noon to 3PM.

      The ownership of the scout house is sort of in limbo. If I have the story right, the property is owned by the Village, but the structure was built by Rotary. Until recently, there was some sort of deal about who did/owned what. But that has expired, and with everything else that has been going on, a new deal has not been worked out. Which leaves all parties somewhat uncertain and hesitant to take action. Hence limbo. From the way the conversation was going, I expect this will be resolved before too much longer.

      The Ambulance service has been unusually busy of late. In itself this isn’t anything new, I think this makes three months in a row of ‘busiest month ever’. That alone likely means something significant (I’ll let you speculate as to what). Complicating the matter, the County is implementing a new dispatching system. In addition to it’s other bugs, it apparently ignores anything outside the County. And as we are on the County border, this is causing issues. From the Chief’s tone, I would not be surprised if many of the ambulance services stopped using the new system. Hopefully there won’t be any negative impact on the service provided.

      Annual ‘Movies in the Park’ usage of Harry Allen Park was approved. Put 7/9, 7/23, and 8/6 on your calendars. Movies usually start around dusk, but unsure what time that will be. Nor do I know the movies themselves, although I’m sure they will be family friendly.

      HFLM Kiwanis Club received approval to hold a chicken barbecue in Dipper Dan’s
parking lot on 5/22. I don’t know if Dipper Dan’s will be open then, but if they are you could get ice cream to go with your chicken.

      The Deer Management Committee reported to the Trustees. Long story short (and it was a moderately long story), they recommend that ‘archery’ be removed from the firearm prohibition in the Village. A small first step towards anything that could be done about the deer. I believe a Public Hearing was scheduled for 7:45PM at next month’s meeting, likely to be at the Mendon Community Center. Some aspects were ‘To Be Determined’, so make sure to check before showing up. If the crowd is large enough, it may overflow into a second meeting.

      To summarize the discussion: This change would allow archery, and by extension the state laws on bow hunting come into play. Have to get licensed, which means have to receive training (sounded like at least two courses). Have to get approval of the property owner, and can’t ‘shoot’ if too close to a residence, school, etc. A necessary step towards any potential future professional culling, without committing to such an action.

      The last topic of the evening (before executive session) was cannabis, and what that may mean for the Village. Considering the back and forth of the discussion it can be summarized quiet simply: We don’t know yet. Will the Village opt out? Opt in? Have a dispensary? Receive additional tax revenue? Will it be a benefit? Or detriment? We don’t know yet… As Rick (Mayor) said, it will become one of those things that is discussed every meeting.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 19, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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