Mendon Library Trustees 2021-03-01

      Tonight (2021-03-01) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      By pattern, there should have been a Village Zoning Board meeting tonight. But that was bumped to next week instead. Which opened up my schedule tonight for the Library Trustees. A bit amusing, as the last time I was at a meeting of this group was last March. Back when the panic was merely a hint on the horizon.

      The Board is exploring the idea of a new library director. And whether that is the current interim, or someone else. Nothing decided tonight, more of possible contingency planning, for down the road. Always good to plan ahead, because nothing lasts forever.

      The wind may be blowing, and the snow falling, but the Library is getting ready for the summer reading program. More planning ahead, because it will be summer all too soon.

      The Friends of the Library shared their 2021 Wish List. If anyone wants to help out, here is one way. Website currently has a broken link to the 2020 wish list, but I suspect the updated one will be there soon.

      Books are regularly sent to Pinehurst. For those less able to make it to the Library building itself. Whether that is due to the ongoing panic, or a standard practice was not clear to me. Either way, a nice thing to do. In my experience, the age group in Pinehurst tends to like reading more then most.

      The Annual Report was approved, so it should be available soon for the public to read. Likely on the website as well as at the desk.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 1, 2021 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

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