Honeoye Falls Village Election Pending 2021-03-16

      There is an upcoming Election for the Village of Honeoye Falls on March 16, 2021. Village residents may vote at the Village Office, 5 East Street (next to the bridge) between Noon and 9PM.

      Mayor, two Trustees, and the Village Justice are up for a vote this year. Each is for a four year term.

      The only contested position is for Village Trustee, where there are three people vying for two seats. Candidates are Shari Stottler, Jacqueline Main, and Daniel Bassette. Full disclosure: Yes, I am one of those people.

      The remaining positions are running unopposed. Richard Milne for Mayor, and Sheldon Boyce for Village Justice.

Below is a sample ballot, copied from the Village’s website.

      I have nothing bad to say against Shari or Jacqueline. I’m sure they could both do the job well enough. But I also think I can be of service and I’m willing to do the job.

      At the philosophical level, I think legitimate government exists to prevent our God given rights from being restricted. Then get out of the way, so people can live their lives. The less government involvement in our daily lives, the better off we all are.

      Politics is by definition a mess, and I am aware of considerable unhappiness towards government. While this dissatisfaction seems more focused on the higher levels of government, it still exists at the local level. I don’t know if I can improve things, but I am willing to make the attempt.

      While it wasn’t intentional, this site does hold my opinions on various topics. Feel free to use the search feature to look through them. While past opinions are not a guarantee on future actions, it may help differentiate me from the other candidates.

      As for those running unopposed, all I have to say is that they create an opportunity for write-in candidates. I’d rather see listed candidates, but I forced the only person I could to run. The rest is up to others. Vote the Mayor and/or Village Justice in for another term because you think they can do the job. Or write someone else in that you think would do it better.

      You’ve got a week to decide how to vote. Or not, if you so choose.

The official Public Notice can be read at the Village’s website.

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