Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2021-03-23

      Tonight (2021-03-23) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      There was an executive session before the meeting. Only of note because of the contrast. In the past, whoever wasn’t in the session would be in the Board room. This provided an opportunity to chat with people that I otherwise would rarely interact with. Unfortunately, with Zoom that doesn’t happen.

      At the start of the meeting was a Public Hearing for the Communicable Disease Emergency Response Plan. From what I could tell, this was mostly documenting things that had already been done in case that knowledge was to be needed in the future. Instead of changing any existing practices. Seems prudent.

      The nature of the Public Hearing felt a bit odd. I was in the Zoom meeting (due to PBAC), and thus watching it live. For those watching the ‘live’ broadcast, there is a delay. I would guess about 15 seconds, which isn’t alot. But if the first you where aware of the comment method was being told at the meeting? I could well see writing the email taking long enough that by the time it was received the Hearing had been closed. While it may be legal (mostly due to executive orders of questionable legality), it feels like a mockery of the concepts of ‘Public Hearing’ and ‘Open Meetings’.

      Tonight was also the Program Budget Advisory Council’s report to the Board. As alluded to above, this was how I was in the Zoom meeting, as I am on the PBAC. To summarize the presentation: The PBAC recommends raising the tax levy to the cap (which is ~1.97% this year), use reserves to cover the budget gap, and continue into the unknown that is the future. Feel free to read the report, or listen to David Youngblut speak it.

      The expected budget is up 3.81% over last year. For a total of ~$55 million, with a gap of ~$900k. Filling that gap will likely be done with reserves. In part because it’s believed to be primarily one year costs. And because there may be additional aid coming from Albany or Washington. We’ll see how that goes.

      There was another update on the Capitol Project, which sounds to be going well. As usual, I consider the pictures the highlight. I would have liked to have a closer look at that hole in the ground, but it was appropriately fenced off.

      Regents exam appear to be mostly canceled. It sounds like 4 of them will still be offered, but won’t count. For grading average, class advancement, or graduation. So why take it in the first place?

      HFL is planning to be ready for full reopening on 4/12. Assuming the State allows it. From data listed (CDC, other states, etc) there is no reason not to, but Albany doesn’t seem to want to change their rules.

      The proven ineffectiveness of physical barriers was mentioned (at least twice), yet masks are continuing to be required. Because they aren’t physical? Likewise contact tracing will be continuing, creating a government held record of all interactions. Which somehow doesn’t count as a 4th amendment violation?

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 23, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording of the meeting will likely be available soon.

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