Honeoye Falls Budget Workshop 2021-02-27

      This morning (2021-02-27) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees for a workshop on next years budget.

      As this was the first of these public budget workshops, it was a rather dry overview of the potential budget. Some conversation occurred, but mostly going over numbers. As you would expect in a budget workshop

      On the meeting content:

      While the focus was clearly on the numbers, at times the discussion jumped all over the place. Highlighting how different pieces of the budget are interconnected. As I did not have the numbers in front of me, I can’t really comment on them. But at times interesting things were said around the numbers.

      Ambulance expenses are up, due to more staffing. But revenue was also up, most likely caused by this increase in staffing.

      Repairs to sections of the sidewalk are planned. In particular, some of the worst areas, where it’s more uneven. Don’t want people tripping and falling.

      As there is no festival on the green, there will likely be no fireworks this summer. Acknowledged as unfortunate, but also that it is hard to justify the expense without an event occurring. Which implies if you want fireworks that weekend (or any other?), organize an event.

      Potential impact (both positive and negative) of Wolfsberger park development came up. In the end, shouldn’t have any impact on this budget year, but may for the next one.

      Next week this group should be meeting again to further discuss the budget.

      On the technical aspects:

      The meeting was over Zoom, instead of the service the Village has been using (BigBlueButton?). I can’t speak to the reasoning for the change, but it worked well enough for today. Video wasn’t the best, but lets face it, you don’t go to meetings like this for the visual quality. Audio was pretty good, not amazing, but more then adequate to hear people speaking. Ironically, audio would have most likely been better if people were dispersed, and therefore not wearing masks. Which is to say, by having everyone in the same room, and mostly wearing masks, the audio was worse then it would have been if they were at home.

      Which is where I complain about the decision to have the entire Board and support staff in the same room, but to deny the public the ability to join them. Bottom line: If it’s safe enough for them, it’s safe enough for the public too.

      Which is to say, it isn’t safe, but neither is life. We all have to weigh the risks and act accordingly. To decide it’s safe enough for them, but not for you, is a very dangerous stance for government to take. It creates the appearance the public servants have more freedom then the public they serve, and the authority to decide what risks you are allowed to take.

      Related to that, usage of the mute feature limits what can be heard (obviously). For the most part this was only done before/after the meeting formally occurred, but that in itself is an issue. During in person meetings, there is a degree of chatter, both before and after the meetings. Between those at the event, both on and off the Board’s. How’s the family/work/etc. Nothing massive, but it reinforces the reality that these are people, not just faceless bureaucrats. But when the public’s view is controlled, removing this humanizing aspect, it subtly pushes the idea the talking heads are their positions. Not people, with all the depth that entails, but merely a role. Which of course is not true, yet we act on our impressions. Even if they don’t align with reality. And where they don’t, difficulties will inevitably occur.

      In the end, I don’t believe anyone involved is doing anything malicious. To the extent I know the people involved, they are trying to do their best in the situation they find themselves. What more could be asked of any of us? But even as I acknowledge that, I believe what is being done is harmful to interactions between government and those who government exists to serve. As with so many things, I would be happy to be wrong.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 27, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees. Next meeting of this group should be March 6 at 8AM.

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