Tonight (2021-01-19) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
By pattern, this meeting should have been last night. But as the off-pattern was expected, apart from noting that, I won’t complain.
On a positive note, the presentation view was used to share the agenda with anyone watching. Makes it easier to follow along with the meeting if you have a copy of the Agenda in front of you. Be it physical or on the screen. Not essential, but a nice touch.
Concerns about inauguration day tomorrow had been raised. From talking to local police, no issues were expected here. Which makes sense, we are a small community. As with all things, it is in God’s hands.
Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes will be at the next meeting. Or at least will be calling in, depending on the technical setup at the time.
Roctricity will have a meeting February 9th at 7PM, to discuss the changing the Village’s electric. For anyone that has any interest in that. Pretty sure I have a conflict that evening, so I won’t be able to listen in.
Monroe County is looking for people to help with vaccination. Both volunteers and paid staff. So anyone interested can look them up.
The Village’s previous email issues are believed to be resolved. From the discussion, I would really like to know what happened. I don’t have enough information to make an informed conclusion, but what little I have doesn’t make sense. Eh, so long as it’s working now I guess that’s what matters.
Budget workshop meetings were scheduled for 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, and 3/20. I heard both 7AM and 8AM, so check the Village’s website to be sure. For those of you who have any interest in watching the budget process.
There was an amusing bit about when the Village should be announcing the next years meetings. Do they do so based on the calendar year (ie now)? Or their fiscal year (ie April)? Personally, seems like there is a simple work around. As the meetings are predictable, post ‘expected’ meetings a year (or three) in advance. Just include an appropriate disclaimer: ‘Expected meetings dates may be adjusted as they approach, check the approved dates before attending’, or whatever. Then approve the actual meetings whenever is convenient for the Board.
The Village was going to sign off on the Summer Recreation program, but there were some questions on some of the finances. It sounds like it’s not a serious issue, but better safe then sorry. So they approved it on the condition Rick (Mayor) likes the answers he gets from the School. Thus saving the time of having to wait for next month before committing. Unless it’s actually a problem, in which case they wouldn’t want to approve anyways.
The Village office shall continue to be locked to the public. Because allowing the public to interact with their servants is too great a risk. Perhaps not an entirely accurate description, but I think it works. There are way too many hypochondriacs out there. Stay away from the ‘fear porn‘.
MRB has been hired for engineering and similar on Hyde Park. Not doing the actual construction, but necessary analysis and prep work before construction. AKA Engineering.
The ambulance will be upgrading their computers/electronic gear. By the sounds of it, this is a requirement of the County. While this should provide better service, it also sounds like a poorly managed roll out. In all fairness, there wasn’t anyone from the County at the meeting to offer a different viewpoint. So who knows.
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 19, 2021 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.