General Election Pending 2020-11-03

      As usual this time of year, there is an upcoming election. The actual vote will be held Tuesday November 3th, 2020. For those who also live in Honeoye Falls, the polling station is the Mendon Community Center, formerly known as the Legion Hall.

      Once again it is time for a presidential election. This time with the added twist of mail in ballots. While I mean no disrespect to postal employees, I’ve had enough hiccups over the years that I’ll be going to the polling station in person. Sure, things can still go wrong, but the election inspectors are helpful and I walk away with a higher degree of confidence that my vote has been counted.

      At the federal level, and arguable THE race this election, we have Joseph R Biden, Donald J Trump, Howie Hawkins, Jo Jorgensen, and Brock Pierce all running for the position of President of the United States of America (with their matching Vice President’s). While I will admit to not being overly thrilled with the options, there are some pretty compelling reasons to vote on this one.
For the House of Representatives we have Nathan D McMurray, Chris Jacobs, and Duane J Whitmer. While Samra G Brouk, and Christopher M Missick are running for Senate.

      At the state level we have Gino M Nitti, William T Gargan, Julie A Cianca, Stephen K Lindley, Dan Doyle, Sam L Valleriani, and Vince Dinolfo running for the 7th Judicial District of the State Supreme Court. A case of ‘pick four’ of seven.
For the State Senator we have Samra G Brouk, and Christopher M Missick. While ChaRon K Sattler-Leblanc, and Marjorie L Byrnes are running for the Assembly.

      At the County level we have Jamie L Romeo, and Karla F Boyce running for County Clerk. While Meredith A Vacca, and Derek M Harnsberger are running for County Court Judge. And Surrogate Court Judge is being pursued by Christopher S Ciaccio, and Elena F Cariola.

      At the town level we have Andrew G Caschetta running unopposed for Superintendent of Highways.

      As happens all too often, there are those claiming this is the ‘most important election of our lifetime’. Unfortunately, I think this is true, and will continue to be true, until we, as a people, have settled upon a solid foundation. While I believe that will be the same foundation the nation was originally found upon (all created equal by God, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, etc), I am willing to acknowledge the possibility there may be other foundations.

      Regardless, so long as we are waffling around as a house divided, every election is the ‘most important ever’. Ironically, this has the side effect of making it more likely a tyrant could take over, as at some point people become more concerned with safety then freedom. See the Israelite’s in the desert speaking about the benefits of being slaves.

      At the core, I believe the current division is about what the path of the nation should be. Do we continue the ‘American Experiment’, and retain our republic, as we stumble towards a more perfect union? As our founders envisioned, with firm limits on the scope of government, so as to maximize personal liberty. Or is it time to end the experiment and try something ‘new’? Even as we throw out history, thus dooming ourselves to repeat past mistakes, making the ‘new’ just another mirage.

      Everything else is just details. Important, of note, worth discussing, but at the end of the day insignificant in the face of deciding which direction we should be aiming for. How I would like an election where we agree on the path, and it’s the details we are debating.

      And those are some opinions on this upcoming election. Agree or disagree, you’ve got a week to figure out which candidate to pick.

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