Mendon Town Board 2020-09-14

      Tonight (2020-09-14) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Budget season has rolled around again for this group. Accordingly, the Tentative Budget was discussed. Plan is to make it into a Preliminary Budget at the next meeting. Then hold the public hearing, and hopefully have an adopted budget towards the end of October. Which should give enough time to have a few surprises and still finalize the budget on time.

      While details were vague, it sounds like the Lima Ambulance service isn’t doing well. Not the first time I’ve heard this over the years, so it could be nothing. Or it could be that it’s getting worse. This will likely come up again at the Village Board‘s next meeting, which should be next week.

      The Mendon Youth Center will remained closed for the foreseeable future. Reading between the lines, I get the impression the ‘rules’ the school is operating under are too onerous for the Youth Center to operate under. And the expected backlash from a hostile media is too great to ignore the ‘rules’.

      Which segues nicely with a comment that I heard. Was something to the extent of ‘we can’t talk about things anymore’. Admittedly, did not hear all the context around it, as it was in a discussion after the ending of the meeting proper. But the point goes well with the above. Too many of the decisions we make today are made out of fear. Encouraged, promoted, and caused by the media. Or, to put it differently, the Left.

      And the doors at the office are being refinished again. Seems to happen every few years. Apparently they take alot of abuse as times goes by. I do wonder if they could be replaced with something that would take the abuse better. Might not look as pretty, but might save money long term.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 14, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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