Mendon Town Board 2020-08-10

      Tonight (2020-08-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Another meeting at the Community Center. While the people at the meeting seemed to have their wits about them, I noted a trend of panic induced insanity (for lack of a better term) in topics discussed.

      There was discussion about tax collection at the Town office. In particular, the possibility of putting up some sort of plastic screening between the staff and the public. Are we protecting the staff from the public, because we the people are scary? We are, but that’s nothing new. Are we protecting the public from the staff, because government is scary? True, but also irrelevant here. Are we protecting everyone from everyone, because we are all murderers waiting to happen? Still true, but it is the bonds we form with each other that chain the monster we could become.

      The Library was looking for information from the Town on it’s budgetary situation. Sounds like they are trying to figure out their finances for the rest of the year. Which is a prudent undertaking. Although it was pointed out that expected revenue was significantly down. Doesn’t surprise me, you tend not to have as much income when you lock your patrons out. While it looks like they are inching back, fear looks to still be the driving factor.

      A resident had complained (previously, separate from the meeting) about a historical sign mentioning something about French and Indians. I don’t know the details of what the sign says, but it’s apparently on Plain road, so you could go find it if you wanted. As I understand it, the complaint was another example of cancel culture. I was glad to hear the Board will be taking no action on this topic. In part, because the sign is technically owned by the State, so they have no jurisdiction. But also because it is historically accurate. Yes, history is full of horrific events. But if we forget the mistakes of the past, we will inevitably repeat them. Or to paraphrase from elsewhere: life is too short to learn from your mistakes. You have to learn from other people’s mistakes too.

      The Board approved expenses for ~$217k. This number feels higher then average, but that is besides the point. The interesting bit is that ~$180k of that will be reimbursed by the State as part of the CHIPS program. While the numbers vary, this happens every year. At the end of the day, it’s all taxpayer money. While I think it would be better if it was all handled locally, if the state is willing to pay, might as well take the money.

      The Comprehensive Plan will be having it’s Public Hearing on August 25th, at 6PM. Sounds like it will be solely through Zoom. As the Plan is used to build the Zoning that then controls what you are allowed to do with your property, all those that use property should have interest in this. If only to tell government to stay off our lawns.

      Sounds like electric vehicle charging stations will be at the Library ‘soon‘. I believe I heard October 31st as a ‘finish before’ date. Ironically enough, might be good timing. As the library is mostly closed, there should be less traffic, so the construction should be less of a disruption then it otherwise could have been.

      Don Irvine, a long time Planning Board member resigned. And Tom Voorhees, former long time Town employee, will be filling his place. Always a shame to lose experienced people, but it will be amusing to have Tom on the other side of the table.

      At which point I ranted to the Board about some worrying trends I see in the world, as shown from some of their discussion topics. At the core, I misquoted Edmund Burke about how if good men do nothing, evil wins. It’s all too easy to just go along, cowering in fear, as civilization is brought down around us. Or, we could pledge our sacred honor to ensure freedom does not perish from the earth.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 10, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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