Honeoye Falls Village Board 2020-08-17

      Tonight (2020-08-17) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Another meeting at the Community Center, but otherwise business as usual. Including a small audience, mostly there for the Youth Softball.

      Jeff Tanner presented on behalf of the HFL Youth Softball League. At the core, they wanted the Village to upgrade one of the fields at the Monroe Street park. And they were willing to pay ~$12k of the ~$14k cost. While I’m not sure if this particular presenter had spoken to the Trustees before (couldn’t tell through his mask), this isn’t the first time this group has brought essentially the same idea. Various field/area improvements where they are doing most (if not all) of the work, footing most (again, if not all) of the bill, and leaving the results with the Village (as they own the park, for us all). The kind of request that is hard to deny, so I’m not surprised it was approved.

      As every month, there were vouchers to approve. Apparently this month there was an unusually amount purchased through Amazon. And while it sounds like the details were there if someone wanted to dig through the paperwork, at first glance it wasn’t clear what the purchase was for. Amusing and will likely lead to a minor process change.

      Sales tax numbers were in. While they were down some (I think I heard 13%), they weren’t down nearly as much as expected. So a silver lining then, could have been worse.

      The Fire Department is happy with their new radios. With all the hassle that acquiring them entailed, it is good to know they are getting good use out of them. Even if it would be nice if there was no need for a Fire Department (or Police, military, etc). But we don’t live in a perfect world, and will always need those willing to brave danger to protect our lives and property.

      While the Good Vibes music in the park is continuing, and sounds like it is being well appreciated, an amusing comment was made. Apparently there is concern people cluster too close together. It is amusing hearing the same people complain about the down sides of enforcing the panic, while other things they say (and do) demonstrate they know it’s not worth worrying about. Eh, us people sure are strange creatures.

      The Ontario Street Storm Sewer Project (OSSSP?) is proceeding and they accepted a project bid tonight. Sounds like it is more then they want to pay (isn’t that always the case), but that a grant from the State should cover them. Or not, as it also sounds like that has been lost in paperwork. Regardless, they are continuing on. Or to paraphrase Rick (Mayor), the project needs to be done and they have the money to do it.

      There was discussion about sending out a newsletter to all the residents. Not the first time this has been mentioned, as they were almost ready when the panic disrupted all our schedules. But as we are increasingly putting that behind us, time to plan a mailing. There was concern about keeping the verbiage down, so that the printing costs weren’t too high. Reasonable enough for the actual mailing. But as the Village has a website, no reason they can’t post a ‘deluxe’ version there.

      Looking ahead, there was some discussion about the annual Firemen’s Parade. In particular, if it could happen or if we were too busy panicking to allow such a gathering. Nothing was decided, but concerns were expressed. I’ve already mailed the local elected officials to encourage they continue the parade. Maybe you should too?

      Village Court will likely be relocating to the Town Office, using their Court space. Not approved tonight, and you should definitely check with them if you have to attend. But it sounds like that change will be happening soon. Likely to be as temporary as the panic is. So until the election is over? Or we have a new governor?

      Which is the larger issue here. Cowering under the bed does no one any good (although it can be fun, pillow/blanket forts are the best), nor is it without it’s own risks. A safe life, one without risk, is not an option we have available to us. Life is for the living, Be strong and courageous. Or not, should you choose to let life pass you by.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 17, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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