Mendon Town Board 2020-07-13

      Tonight (2020-07-13) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Was a pretty straightforward meeting. If I was to give it a theme, it would be ‘planning for the future’.

      The comprehensive plan committee will be looking for public feedback at a future meeting. Sounds like either July 28 or August 11, likely at 6PM on whichever day.

      Library full reopening time frame is uncertain. Sounds like they are following the lead of other libraries in the region, which seem to be aiming for sometime in August.

      The Town handles much of the tax collection for the School. In an attempt to decrease the need to come to the building, they are looking at allowing credit card payments.

      Bids for roof replacements were approved, for both the Community Center (where tonight’s meeting was) and the Highway Department.

      So a variety of items that didn’t do anything tonight, but were about setting the stage for future actions.

      Refunds for athletic field fees were approved as well. As the groups involved won’t be using them, due to the panic, it does make sense to refund the fees. Although it sounds like the baseball teams will still use them some, for an abridged season. A short season is better then no season.

      And on the topic of panicking, I noticed the Board was mostly wearing masks, despite being more then six feet apart. Last I checked, the imperial decree (not law, as those originate with the legislative branch) said masks were not needed if far enough apart. Has that changed? Or has paranoia gone that far? Meanwhile, there is plenty of evidence that wearing masks for any significant amount of time is actually harmful. And, as facts are now opinion, also plenty of evidence to the contrary.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 13, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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