Honeoye Falls Village Board 2020-07-20

      Tonight (2020-07-20) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Continuing the trend, this meeting was back in person, at the Community Center. As with many Village meetings, the interesting parts were during the reports towards the start of the meeting.

      Jackie Main attended her first meeting on the Board, filling in the remaining of Jim Alfieri’s term. Which meant parts of this meeting were clearly oriented towards welcoming the new member and explaining how things go. Nothing wrong with that, we were all the ‘new person’ at some point.

      In many ways, this meeting had a theme of fallout from the panic. Not it’s direct impact, but the more indirect ones.

      Discussion on mandatory quarantine for Village staff that travel to ‘hot’ regions, and how to form a policy for that. Mostly oriented towards not wanting to create a system which could be abused, where staff can get extra paid ‘vacation’ after travel. No action taken, but we’ll see how it goes.

      Sales tax number looked good for the first quarter, but second quarter wasn’t available yet. There were concerns about how big the impact would be, although there were apparently signs it wouldn’t be bad. Yet again, we’ll see how it goes.

      The previous storm sewer project continues it’s re-bid process. From discussion, it sounds like they think the reason the previous bids were unusually high was because so many people were denied the option to work, those that could still work could charge whatever they want. Supply and demand in action. The supply of workers was lowered, yet the demand for work was unchanged. Prices increase to compensate. As we return to ‘normal’, prices should as well.

      Equipment for a project at the waste water treatment plant is delayed. Much of this going around (see above). Ironic here because recently purchased dump trucks were available early.

      As said at the top, this meeting was at the Mendon Community Center. During the meeting the Town was applauded for their assistance. Yet at the same time, there was a definite desire to return to the Village office for these meetings. I can’t blame them, I think it’s a better choice as well. Just need to be brave enough to do it. Hopefully the Board will relocate before too long, even if next month is likely at the Community Center again.

      And there were a few bits where items from other local governments rolled around to be discussions tonight.

      The school sent over designs and such for their upcoming capitol project. Keeping the Village in the loop, even if they have no legal authority here (the school buildings are in the Village’s jurisdictional footprint, but as a separate governmental entity the school is exempt from Village over-site). But open communication channels make everything better, so good on the school here.

      Similarly, was amusing to hear the Village discuss brush grinding. The last Town meeting discussed their side of this, tonight was the Village’s. Long and short of it, the Town hires a company to grind their brush. The Village takes their brush to the Town. So the town wants the Village to pay a portion of the cost. Seems reasonable enough.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 20, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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