Honeoye Falls-Lima Graduation 2020-07-09

      Tonight (2020-07-09) was the graduation of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Class of 2020.

      About a week ago we had a graduation parade. It felt a bit silly to me, but both those involved and those watching seemed to enjoy it. So ‘Mission Accomplished’, and perhaps it will happen again next year.

      I heard there were small scale graduation ceremonies with just the graduate and their families in school. Don’t know details, as I’m in neither category this year, but heard rumors that such was appreciated by those involved.

      And today there was another graduation ceremony. This time, on the football field.

      While panic inspired paranoia was in full effect, it really was a nice event. Ironically enough, even with all the distance, I was physically closer to the actual graduates then the last graduation I attended.

      I suspect David (High School Principal) was a bit nervous at the start, as we had a sprinkling of rain. Or maybe he missed it, there wasn’t much. Although it looked like there was more rain in the distance. But the ceremony wrapped up quickly enough, so the future weather ceased to be relevant.

      Can’t say much about the graduation speeches. As Gene (Superintendent) pointed out, they tend not to be listened too (especially by the graduates). Although I thought he had a good point about being courageous.

      Had a nice chat with Bill (Transportation) at the event, and we both thought it was a nice arrangement. Leveraging the existing space and seating to hold graduation on campus. Grants more flexibility then going elsewhere, and there is plenty of room. Hopefully we do something similar next year. Just without treating each other as hostiles.

      In a way, my involvement in the school since my own graduation (all those years back) is tied to another graduation. About a decade ago there was talk of outsourcing graduation, and that was when I started attending Board of Education meetings. My stance then (and now) is that graduation belongs in the district. On campus or off makes no difference, but in the geographic footprint that is the district. Because, at the end of the day, it’s a celebration for the community. Yes, it’s for the graduates and their family too. But it’s as much about them showing their friends and neighbors ‘look at me, I did it’. And for those friends and neighbors, we can see that the graduate has made it. They are now ready to join us all in this adventure known as ‘life’.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 9, 2020 graduation ceremony of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Class of 2020.

The event appears to have been recorded, and may appear on YouTube (or other services) before too long.

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