Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2020-07-07

      Tonight (2020-07-07) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Gene (Superintendent) was sworn in (again) along with the new/returning BoE members. Then Carol Bellavia and Dave Francis for Board President and Vice President, respectively. No surprises there.

      Then it was on to what makes the annual re-organizational meetings so boring. This year was much the same, with a three page long agenda. Usually I find myself pondering ways to improve efficiency, and get through the repetitive boring part quicker. Which is one nice part about doing this meeting remotely, it’s a little less boring when I can run around the room instead of waiting quietly. Having said that, on balance, I am looking forward to meeting in person again.

      While fees for usage of facilities (when they eventually open) did not change, there was a short discussion about how those fees might go up if cleaning costs also go up. Which is entirely reasonable, and only of note because the ‘cleaning’ in question is for the disease that inspired the current panic.

      Juggling committee membership was amusing, as it usually is. Dave Ghidiu brought up the obvious solution to this amusement: have last years members and meeting times in front of you when planning for next years. Maybe the idea will be acted on this time. If not, it will be amusing to watch them yet again try to figure out who goes on which committee.

      HFL is pulling out of NYSSBA. Sounds like there was an event of some sort inspiring this decision. But it has been pondered for a number of years, so I’m not that surprised. You can only ponder ‘Why are we part of this group?’ so many times before you leave. Probably for the best. Either the association wasn’t necessary and we can save some money, or losing members will lead it to reform itself thus justifying it’s membership in the future.

      Which brought us to the start of the ‘regular’ meeting.

      Planning for the eventually reopening of the school continues. Generally sounds positive and hopeful. Someone in the health department (missed who, but it was third party info anyways) said if the numbers don’t get worse they would recommend having classes more or less as usual. And apparently there will be a survey mailed out tomorrow looking for feedback. I’m wondering if that will be asking only parents of students, or residents of the district.

      On Thursday, at 7PM there will be a graduation ceremony. Sounds like the football field, but I was not completely sure. Also sounds like there will be attendance limits, so if you didn’t already know you’ll probably be turned away (but it’s a big field…). If you go, plan for the heat, although they are aiming for a short event. Sounds like the event will be live streamed to Facebook, although how to get a link wasn’t mentioned.

      In the documentation there was a report on the capitol project. As the meeting was long enough, it was skipped over. Apart from the pictures, I can understand that. Looks like the high school cafeteria is done. While it looks nice enough, I liked the old one for sentimental reasons. Might change my mind if/when I see it in person.

      Gene’s salary increase of 3% was approved. This was roughly consistent with what I recall of other salaries increases this year, so I’m not picking on Gene here. But it did have me thinking. If the budget increase was 2.86%, and the salary increase was 3%, what was cut to balance those out? I’m not saying the people aren’t worth it, but we should be aware of what we are cutting to make those increases. Or I could be showing my ignorance and am missing some important part of the budget process.

      The energy efficiency capitol project approved at the recent vote has already started. Although it sounds more like it’s the planning phase, then actual construction.

      In two weeks is the Board retreat, and it will be in person. My applause to the Board for getting back together. Both for themselves, and as an example to the students. Can’t cower in fear forever. In the past I’ve felt that the retreat, despite technically being an open meeting, is for the Board’s benefit, and thus I don’t go. But they mentioned a tour of the facilities, and I’m tempted to ask to join in for that.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 07, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording of the meeting will likely be available soon.

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