Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2020-06-01

      Tonight (2020-06-01) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      There were some different faces on the screen. As it was another online meeting, due to the panic, it wasn’t immediately obvious which were the Board members and which were the applicants. While I knew who was on the Board, it looks like one of the members is new since the last meeting. Change, ever a constant in life.

      Minutes from the last meeting were approved. As I was unable to observe that meeting, I’ll have to get a copy of the minutes. Wonder how long until they are added to the website.

      First applicant was Jonathan Borgesen of 63 East. Was some back and forth, and I’m not completely sure on the details of what he wants. If we were in the room together, he could have pointed at the map and it would have been clear quickly. As is, they made due.

      Sounds like he wants to demolish the existing barn/garage, and build a new one on a different location on the property. This new location previously had a different barn/garage on it, so in many ways it’s a return to the past instead of something new.

      It was interesting that they went through SEQR the way they did, the outcome seemed pretty obvious to me. Maybe it’s standard practice, just to be sure. Or maybe there were details I was not aware of. Does leave me a little unsure if the final action was to approve the project or deciding SEQR didn’t stop it. I could have easily zoned out and missed the actual approval in the legalese.

      Second applicant was Alison DeMarco of 61 North Main, aka Lower Mill, Rabbit Room, etc. Was a concept discussion tonight, so no action being taken either way. It sounds like they are exploring turning the upper floors into condos/apartments. The current panic was blamed as the final blow to the restaurant. a This is unfortunate, and I doubt it will be the last time this happened.

      It does leave me wondering about intent vs outcome. Fellowship and socializing at various establishments is essential for a communities health and well being. Without that, the community ceases to be a community, and becomes a collection of scattered individuals. So was this outcome intentional, or accidental?

      As the building is rather historic, it was discussed if there were any restrictions. Answer was no, as they have avoided taking grants in the past. Still have to meet any applicable building/fire/zoning code, but nothing extra for being ‘historic’.

      After the applicantions were done, there was some discussion among the Board, mostly around potential upcoming items. Of note, Wolfberger (sp?) Park is likely to be back with another plan at the next meeting. Not the first time they have brought an idea forward, and I suspect it won’t be the last. But that is how these things go: If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 1, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website, for whatever that is worth.

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