Honeoye Falls Village Board 2020-06-15

      Tonight (2020-06-15) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Surprisingly enough, the Board was back in the Village Hall for the meeting. It looks like the public isn’t allowed back yet, but this is an improvement. Maybe next month. And for a single microphone covering the entire room, the sound quality was pretty good.

      Jim is resigning from the Board, as he is moving out of the Village. He’s served a good long time, and it will be a shame to lose him. But nothing lasts forever, I hope this next adventure goes well for him.

      There was apparently a BLM rally in the Village over the weekend. I find that both interesting and worrisome. But at least it does explain the noises I heard. As with so many things, this too shall pass. Hopefully sooner rather then later.

      The Four Seasons is working on rebuilding after their fire. No date for reopening was mentioned, as it’s still too far out to predict. These things take time, but good to know it’s being worked on. Fire inside is not a good thing, keep it in the fire pit for marshmallows.

      The office will again be open full time, although it’s still by appointment only. Masks will be required by all. Ironic, as only one Board member was wearing a mask. To his credit, Rick (Mayor) did comment on this inconsistency. But it is unfortunate, as it encourages the idea that the staff are ‘safe’, but you and I (the public) are ‘dangerous’.

      Similarly, returning to meetings with the public was discussed. Due to the size of the room, there was concern about if the public could be allowed in while still maintaining sufficient distance. Or how the meetings might continue to be broadcast, while the public is not allowed inside. Which raises the question: Is it an open meeting if the public isn’t allowed to attend, or is it a private/closed meeting?

      Anyone remember when the public was welcome to visit the office? At this point, I doubt the sign encouraging people to stop in for water will be coming back this summer (although I’m sure it will be plenty hot enough). No, you (the public) are too great of a risk to be allowed to interact with the government. Unless you are willing to dance to their tune, and participate in the security theater.

      Future usage of the playgrounds was discussed. I found this amusing. The world is dirty, ‘earth‘ literally means ‘dirt‘. You live with it, or hide under the bed (which also tends to be dirty). Yet they want to both clean the playgrounds, while also posting signs stating ‘use at your own risk’. To a point, the first is prudent. The second is life.

      A few guys are working on upgrading/renovating the skate park at the Monroe street park. Does explain why I’ve seen more traffic there of late. Currently sounds like it’s relatively early in the planning phase. Will be interesting to see how their project goes, I’ll have to stop by the next time I’m going by.

      ‘Movies in the Park’ are going to continue as planned, although some details are still being worked out. As said before, with the number of people that show up, and the size of the park, I think it should be fine. The insect kind of bug will be a bigger concern then a winter flu.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 15, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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