Honeoye Falls-Lima Election 2020-06-09

      Today (2020-06-09) is election day. To the extent such a term has meaning with absentee ballots. Especially when the governor extends the deadline the day before.

      Full disclosure: Yes, my name is on the ballot as a candidate.

      If you’ve already sent your ballot in, good for you. If not, today would be a good day to do so. While the due date has been extended, the governor has, unfortunately, shown he is far from reliable. Best to get it done before the goalposts move again.

      As the Board of Education meeting that was once scheduled for tonight was rescheduled, on account of the election, I wonder if it might be moved back. It being recorded does lower the importance either way, but this whole mess reminds me why I don’t like rescheduling events. Schedules and patterns can be worked around, planned for and compensated as needed. Shuffling will lead to things being dropped, as conflicts will be created.

      In any case, might as well make the best of it. If you were uncertain on how to vote, you have a little more time to decide.

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