Memorial Day 2020-05-25

      Today (2020-05-25) was another Memorial Day. Unfortunately, due to continuing panic, the parade and related events were canceled.

      I still walked the route and around the cemetery, because that’s part of what we do to honor those who fought (and died) on our behalf. I saw one guy at the cemetery, but that was it there. Although there were plenty of flags at graves, so good job on the part of whoever did that. And plenty of other people out for walks, it was a nice day for it.

      While I was out, I saw plenty of flags and similarly colored decorations out. Good to see people doing something, even if there isn’t a parade. As well as a banner on the Village office.

      The quote on that banner was particularly interesting. It speaks to the cost of freedom, and how there is a burden to maintaining it. While this is true, I wonder if it was chosen for ironic purposes. We are all being asked to accept additional restrictions, in the interests of safety. Which sure seems like the opposite for freedom. What would those we honor today have to say?

      Have we traded our freedom for a token of temporary safety?

Link to more images, most of which are from a braver Memorial Day.

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