Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2020-04-14

      Tonight (2020-04-14) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      The former facilities building is gone. Is part of the ongoing Capital Project. Which is a silver lining to this panic: The school being effectively closed means the workers have more flexibility.

      For those of you interested in more pictures, the presentation includes a bunch at the end. High school cafeteria is looking pretty good, and the cougar mural is back up. I’m looking forward to when we can re-enter the buildings, so I can admire the renovations.

      Sounds like the online learning is going well. Challenges were mentioned, but the tone was positive. And in listening to where things were less then ideal, it reminded me of the ‘normal’ difficulties. As the saying goes, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’.

      Amusingly enough, Carol (Board President) is still asking for questions from the audience at the end of the meeting. So either there is a way to get into the audience (besides the stream), or habit is strong. Considering Gene (Superintendent) commented on how questions should be emailed to Rhonda, I’m thinking it’s habit.

      On that note, there were a number of minor technical issues. Nothing meeting breaking, but enough to highlight the benefits of the ‘normal’ style of meetings. In particular: Carol was too loud, probably a microphone setting. I didn’t have sound at the start, probably a setting on my side. People were occasionally disconnected, most noticeable when it was Gene. Still good adapting to a different way of doing business.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 14, 2020 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page. While a recording of the meeting will likely be available soon.

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