Mendon Town Board 2020-03-09

      Tonight (2020-03-09) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Early on in the meeting concerns for corona came up again. I will give the promoters of fear credit, they do get their message out. Collectively, we are afraid. Yet what evidence I’ve read says it will be another flu. A bunch of people will get sick, a small percentage of them will die. Sad, unfortunate, but just like every other year.

      The town received a grant for putting in EV charging stations at the Library. So expect those before too long. For whatever ‘too long’ means in this context, no exact date was mentioned. Considering it was grant money, it will likely have to go out to bid, and then actually be built. Many sometime this summer? Before the end of the year? Time will tell.

      Apparently the governor is not satisfied with how local municipalities are handling solar and wind facilities, because a new law is being advanced that would remove their input on the projects. Seems like a bad idea to me, and much of the room agreed. Strong central authority is a disaster outside of a few small categories. And this is not one of those.

      There was a surprisingly long discussion on the Town’s usage of social media. The focus seemed to be on Facebook, but a number of others were mentioned. Bottom line: A member of this Board is trying to increase the Town’s engagement online. The rest seemed more mixed, although no one was outright opposed (at least verbally). There were concerns about the logistics of administration, and how to manage trolls (although they weren’t called that). Both valid concerns that would need to be addressed. Not that I use Facebook (it’s evil), but I can see benefit to the Town increasing their usage of online tools. Their own website if nothing else.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 9, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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