Mendon Town Board 2020-02-10

      Tonight (2020-02-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The excitement of the night was ‘Recognitions of Service’. Three long time employees had retired towards the end of last year, so they were back to get plaques tonight. Nice event, which brought a bit of a crowd. Was amusing to see who left after which agenda item.

      With previous employees recognized, new appointments were made. In particular, Andrew Caschetta as the new Highway Superintendent and Corey Gates as the new Code Enforcement Officer.

      There was discussion about the new Mendon Youth Center, and what things would be allowed. Or more specifically, what things would require Town Board approval before happening. There was concern about ‘bad’ music/movies/etc being played if there was not appropriate oversight. A decent enough concern, but if you don’t trust the staff to choose wisely, you shouldn’t be trusting them with the youth in the first place. If you have to babysit the babysitters, you’ve already lost.

      Fire Departments came up twice.
      First was the Village’s intent to form a committee to ‘evaluate the Honeoye Falls Fire Department facility‘. In this case, the Town is interested in having someone on said committee. Sounds reasonable enough, but as with most things ‘the devil is in the details’.
      Second was with vouchers. I can’t recall having seen vouchers for of a million before, and tonight’s was for $1,021,339. The largest piece of that was annual fire contracts.

      Like the Village and School, the Town is exploring electrical vehicle charging stations. Sounds like they are pursuing a grant to install them at the Library. It will be interesting to see where this goes long term. Do they become the new ‘gas station’, or is this just a fad? In either case, I wonder if government is the proper entity to take action here.

      As the Town is continuing the process to update their Comprehensive Plan, two meetings for the public are scheduled. 6PM March 10, and 7PM April 14. Both on Tuesdays and at the Community Center. For those of you that might be interested.

      And apparently, 4 wheeled chairs are dangerous and must be replaced with 5 wheeled ones. So sayeth the Department of Labor. Because meddling bureaucrats makes everything better…

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 10, 2020 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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