Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2019-09-10

      Tonight (2019-09-10) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      The big topic of the evening was students being back. While there was one hiccup of note, there was much discussion about how well the first few days have gone.

      That hiccup was some confusion about the Cougar Care and Transportation hand off. While details were short (likely for confidentiality reasons), the important points were confirmed. Namely that all the students are fine (no one was injured) and steps have been taken to prevent a repeat. And at the end of the day, that’s really all that matters. Reminded me of the time my brother called home after a car crash. Started the conversation off with the only part that mattered: Everyone was ok. After that it’s all details, the most important part is known.

      “Vidget Chairs” are apparently a newsworthy topic. Don’t see the point myself. Seems like they would lead to more disruptions then less. But then again, I’m not the teacher.

      Another month, another capitol project report. With, as usual, pictures of the progress. I found the picture of the temporary wall at the base of the high school library stairs particularly amusing. They had reused the temporary walls from outside the art rooms, which had been decorated. Adds a little color to what would otherwise be a rather bland area.

      And while I’m at it, good job to the Facilities team. There is a massive improvement from two weeks ago. While the high school is still clearly a construction site, it is also a usable school.

      A Change Order was approved for the capitol project that will put conduit for future electric vehicle charging stations in the high school parking lot. Not the stations themselves, just conduit for the wires. The logic is that doing it now will prevent damage to the parking lot if/when this is done in the future. If this was any other organization, I’d likely be all in favor. But as it’s a school, and this really has nothing to do with education, I don’t see how it should be something the school is involved in. Having said that, hopefully they can work out some grants or some such to mitigate the cost to tax payers.

      On the topic of capitol projects, a committee has been formed to look at the next project. Considering the discussion, they are looking for warm bodies to offer opinions here. So while I can’t tell you where the first meeting is, I can tell you when: next Tuesday, September 17. Bruce (Business and Operations) is probably the guy to talk to if you are interested in joining, although I’m tempted to just show up.

      Likewise, they are looking for members to join the PBAC. A flyer was produced, and a modified version will be spread around. It was pointed out that dinner is provided at those meetings, and adding that to the flyer might increase attendance. While I do enjoy the meals, they aren’t why I go to the meetings. Still, it doesn’t hurt.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 10, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page.

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