Mendon Town Board 2019-08-12

      Tonight (2019-08-12) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The big topics of the evening were retirements and the youth center.

      Bud (Highway Superintendent) has announced his retirement. I didn’t hear an exact date mentioned, but as a committee was created to find a replacement for the rest of the year, I would assume it’s rather soon. In any case, Bud will be missed and I hope his continuing adventures go well.

      Other retirements were mentioned, but it was unclear which of those were actual people leaving, and which were titles shuffling around due to Bud leaving. I’ve heard a few rumors about other retirements, but nothing I can confirm. Regardless, next year could be interesting for Mendon.

      Work on the Youth Center continues. For those of you that didn’t know, this Youth Center is a re-purposing of the former library building at 15 Monroe street. Tomorrow at 7PM there will be a meeting there about what all is planned. No exact date for opening was announced, but October sounds like the target.

      I’ll admit to having mixed thoughts here. On the one hand, it does reuse a building that is otherwise mostly vacant. On the other, this feels like what we have the School district for. Either way, as with so many things, time will tell.

      The Town’s website is being modified so the Historic Preservation Commission can more frequently add information. While details were sparse, it sounds like this will add a blog like feature to the website. As modifying websites falls under the umbrella of ‘things I do for a living’, I will be interested in seeing the results of this.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the August 12, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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